Friday, April 27, 2012
I was MIA
So I obviously have been MIA! I thought about the blog and how I wanted to write... I just didn't... I want to get back at it again...
Since I've been pregnant...
~ I haven't menu planned. I just couldn't follow it. I couldn't eat things that were planned out for me. I didn't have the energy to make the planned items. I also couldn't stand the thought of food after about 3:00. I never had morning sickness. I have late evening food thoughts making me gag sickness...
~ I haven't done any of the 52 week organization. My kitchen has been slightly messy since I had it all organized. I feel awful about this but alas I have been too tired to do anything about it. Overwhelmed really at the thought of cleaning out toys and getting a new nursery together...
I am 13 weeks pregnant now. I am finally getting into my 2nd trimester. I am feeling a little better and getting over the late evening sickness. Baby seems to be doing well in there! I am so anxious to find out what we are having. We will not find out until mid June which is killing be because I will be 21 weeks I believe! Chrissy is very excited now about her new sibling and wants to buy baby stuff all the time. I have to keep reminding her that we do not know what it is yet and we should wait. She then agrees... I have already started saving items to my amazon wish list for the nursery. I will share items in a following post! One for if it is a boy and one for if it is a girl... We have been calling the baby - Baby "M". Why? Because it is the first initial for both the boy or girl's name! (I'll have to share our reasoning behind that later!)
So here is my 12 Week "belly" shot...
Until Next Time!