Things I love about my computer are:
- Its a laptop and I can take it anywhere.
- I can look up sales and find deals before I spend all our money!
- I can play games on facebook. (yes, I know that's a lame one)
- I can take it on trips and it entertains Chrissy.
- Many, many more things.
- Its got me so hooked that I can not go a day without opening it and doing something on it.
- Its gibberish to me when something goes wrong.
- It gets viruses. (Why the hell people who create them, viruses, are so mean is beyond me!)
- When I can't fix the problem.
System danger!
Your system is in danger. Privacy threats detected.
Spyware, keyloggers or Trojans may be working in the
background right now. Perform an in-depth scan and removal
now, click here.
Trojans... why does this one word scare the ever living poop out of me when it comes to computers... I don't remember exactly. I freak out to Jake, "I can't do anything! Its broken. We have to pay $60 or more to get it fixed (this is what the link tells you!)" Jake ever so calmly states "just put it away and look at work tomorrow and see if there is something else we can do to fix it." This infuriates me even more because he isn't as attached to the computer as I am and thinking I'd lost my computer for good to the Trojan gods was so upsetting. Finally I was able to calm myself down after trying many things to no avail... I just knew that Vista Home Security 2012 was real. I mean it was the system I was running on my computer after all!
So I get to work yesterday and type in Vista Home Security 2012. What pops up:
OMG Jake was RIGHT! UGH, Jake was right... well 1 point Jake, 1 point computer virus, 0 points Ferris.
So I keep reading and find that I should be able to fix it myself. Double bonus. I get to feel smart and I get to get my computer back... So I find this website,, it talks me through step by step what I need to do. I print off the pages and get my thumb drive and head home at the end of the day to start the process of fixing my computer. Everything is going fine... Step 1 done, Step 2 done, Step 3 well you get the point. I get to step 7 (i think) run Malwarebytes. OK fine. Download it, start running it. 2 hours later... Nothing. It FROZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE F***!!!!!
I woke up this morning still thinking about my computer. I couldn't wait till tonight to work on it. I mean how would I get any work done at work with this on my mind. So I decided it was bring your laptop to work day! LOL... I figured I could put it on the desk behind me rerun Malwarebytes again and keep an eye on it.
Its still running right now. Its been going for 1 hour and 51 minutes and some odd seconds... Its surpassed the number of items it scanned last night and is up to 12 infectious items. I'm hoping it doesn't freeze again, obviously... I need my computer back!!!
Until tomorrow, or my computer is back up and running!!
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