Sunday, March 4, 2012

Big Sister Craft

So as you have found out we are expecting #2 in October!  We are still over the moon about our little surprise!  Anyways, we had to come up with an idea to tell our parents! 

Well, it worked out to our advantage that my godfather's wife, Beckie, had her birthday on March 1st.  Since she was still in Arizona and wouldn't be back till the 2nd we decided to do a dinner with my parents, Jake's parents, and Beckie and Rich ("adopted" grandparents!) Friday night.  Then we would go back to our house for cake.  Jake and I planned to have Chrissy run downstairs with a "big sister" shirt and see who notices first!

So we went online and looked at some shirts that we could get...  these are a few that we found...

So to get one of these shirts here in time for our announcement we would have to pay an arm and a leg!  So what's the next best thing...  Actually not sure why I didn't think of it first?  If you guessed I make it myself you would be right on!!!

So I didn't take pictures of the process.  I know bad me!!!  I got all the supplies at Hobby Lobby except for the shirt.  That I got from Target.  Make sure you wash and dry the shirt before applying the iron transfers. 

So here is the end result:

Here it is on Chrissy:

Not the best picture but you get the point!  She insisted she hold her bouncy balls in the picture and I wanted her to hold still so I let her! 
I am soooo happy with the way it turned out and I actually like it better than any of the ones I could have gotten online or in a store!!  It's also handmade so it is special too.  A keepsake! 

Until Tomorrow!

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